Jacaranda Onlus

We are a non-profit organization of social utility, constituted regularly and registered in the single registry of non-profit organizations on July 19, 2006.
Free payments to non-profit organizations are charges deductible in
measures of 26% or deductible charges within the limit of 10% of total income.

Everything started when two friends and initial protagonists, Gaby and Maria Carla, went on leisure holiday in one of the poorest areas of the African continent: Zambia.
It was the year 2005, and the two friends went to visit an Italian friend which moved to that country to never come back.
What they felt wasn’t pity, but a desire to help which takes you by the soul and won’t let you go.

Zambia is one of the poorest countries of the African continent, with 15 million individuals living in an area twice the size of Italy.
Following the independence in 1964, the country fell into extreme poverty and was devastated by AIDS. To this day the lethal disease is still decimating the population.

Our first interlocutor is our friend Maria Mauro, an Italian volunteer in Zambia since 2000. Her stories and photographs excite us at every meeting. Thus the desire to go and see with one’s own eyes the reality of a population in a state where life expectancy in those years reached 48 years while today reaches 60 years, still far from the life expectations of Western countries.


Some works
realized by your support